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Dr Ted Talking with a Patient

Your first appointment with Dr. Ted is thorough and efficient. After this appointment, you’ll have a specific roadmap that includes a practical action plan that’s easy to follow and specific to you, how you live and your personal health goals.

Expect to spend approximately 90 minutes with Dr. Ted one on one going over your past and current health, symptoms you’re having, and what you’ve tried in the past.

Please bring any medications and supplements you are taking with you to your first appointment. Bring blood work results or any other lab results with you as well.

Dr. Ted may use Computerized Electrodermal Screening which measures the body’s energy meridians to elicit more information and confirm the findings.

Dr. Ted typically makes nutritional recommendations, along with certain vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplement recommendations. He’ll occasionally recommend a homeopathic remedy.

You may be able to get any outside lab tests that Dr. Ted recommends, done through your primary care doctor/specialist or you may need to do testing through a specialty lab that does specific testing for your health issues.

For more information about what to expect with seeing a naturopathic doctor, read the following article:

Naturopathic Medicine: What can patients expect? – article published in The Journal of Family Practice, December 2005