Acupuncture For a Cause Fundraiser will be held at Ohio Naturopathic Wellness Center on Friday, September 25, 2020 from 9am-5pm. For questions or to register call or text us at 330-729-1350. Acupuncture sessions are with our acupuncturist, Tim Iliff, LAc
Reduced prices for acupuncture and all acupuncture session fees being donated to the: Autism Society of Mahoning Valley
Full Initial Acupuncture sessions for only $75.00 and current client acupuncture sessions for $50.00Acupuncture available every Tuesday and Thursday with Tim Iliff, LAc so call anytime to schedule.
Our Newton Falls office, Suzelis Holistic Health will also be participating in Acupuncture for a Cause on Saturday, October 3rd.